Thursday, July 24, 2008

Argh....The Commericialzation of Christmas monster has started - 145 Days till Christmas.

I just went to Hobby Lobby to pick up some black cord to hang a cross necklace I plan to give to a friend who is being Ordained to the office of Minister and Word and Sacrament on Sunday. It is the Women in Ministry cross from one of the vendors at the General Assembly Exhibit area and I just fell in love it. I of course had to buy myself one too. It came with a nice black ribbon, but I thought that black shiny rat tail cord would look nicer than the ribbon and the ribbon was bit on the short side, especially for a liturgical cross.

OK, I have to have a rant here.

I walk into the store, browsed briefly at the clearance table in the front and saw nothing that really caught my eye and the proceed to walk down one of the isles where all I see is Red, and Green ribbon. I think to myself, 'hum, those are Christmas colors", then I get mad because I realize it is only July 24th. I then look up the next isle and see Christmas cards, and other items. Santa figurines made in China by children who could never afford to buy the low priced item or have any idea why a Nordic god (Thor) guised as a jolly elf who lives at the North Pole has come to symbolize the Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. I know that China is a country that has had missionaries from our Denomination. I know someone, just like Ruth Grahamn Bell, whose parents were missionaries in China, yet I also know that it takes great courage to profess Christ in China. I might be wrong when I say that the people who make all our kitch and nick nacks need our prayers and to know the love of God in Jesus Christ more than we need another plaster Santa Claus.

Well I looked around the yarn department like I always do, but I wasn't in the buying mood. I found some nylon cord that would work for my necklaces but I didn't want to 500 yards of nylon cord (althought I know I could have crocheted or knitted a purse from the left overs). I finally found what I needed over in the fabric department amongst the other (non green and red) ribbon.

I walked back up to the front of the store and realized that four of the seven isles have been attacked by the Commercialization of Christmas monster. I commented to the young man who checked me out, "It’s awfully early for Christmas isn't it." He replies, "I don't get to decided what gets displayed."

So I mark today. July 24, 2008 as the earliest date that I have seen Christmas items on display for sale in preparation to a holiday that is celebrated 145 days from today and has nothing to do with all the kitch that is marketed to us. I'm all for planning ahead and being prepared but this is just ridiculous.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Books Becoming Real

I picked up a couple books at at Border's last week while I was on vacation. One was a book on grilling that I mailed off to my spoilee in the BBQ Swap on Ravelery. Two others had to do with church stuff. One I've been wanting to read entitled Un-Christian, which is a Barna study on how young adults perceive the church and the second was Shane Clairborne's Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical, which I picked up on a whim.

Those books that I pick up on a whim are often the best books. I stared Clairborne's book and will probably be up most of the night finishing it. It's a easy read and pretty inspiring. It reminds me, so far of the intensity to do something with my faith that I felt when I was in college. That same intensity that Clairborne writes about had me volunteering at the homeless shelter at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Minneapolis my senior year in college. That same intensity had me not worried about going into the rougher neighborhood to do my field ed my first year in Seminary.

Somewhere I lost some of that intensity and traded it for comfort and I'm not comfortable with that and hope that I get gain back that intensity again because the trappings of comfort really don't bring comfort and I've seen in my own life that God really does take care of what we need.

Well...that's not what I was going to blog about. I was going comment on how these two books have become real. They became real because as I was at my desk over at the church today, my coffee spilled on my desk and all over the two books and some papers (like a survey I need to return to Research Services...sorry Jack and Deborah) and these two books. Of course I could have got mad at myself and called myself stupid, etc...but I didn't. I realized that these two books wanted to be real (like the Velveteen Rabbit) and they too wanted to enjoy a cup of coffee.

Oh, they've been marked. I can't put them up on Book Trader or Paper Back Swap or Book Mooch or sell them on Amazon Marketplace when I'm done reading them and maybe that's the difference between 'just a book' and book that becomes real.

Friday, July 4, 2008

GA One Week Latter

I spent the day today celebrating Independence Day with family. It was a wonderful day that started off slowly and gently. It was a nice way to get back into the swing of things as everything begins again on Sunday when I am 'officially' done with my vacation. I'm glad I took a week of vacation and negotiated that my congregation 'give' a week of my time to the larger church so I could attend GA as a Commissioner. I needed a week down after getting back to unwind and to transition back to thinking about things on a congregational level rather than on a macro or institutional level.

I know the two are related or connected but often times the linkages between the macro and the micro levels just don't work as well as they could. My biggest challenge for the upcoming week will be the evening event I do for my congregation in interpreting the General Assembly to them. I am excited about the Belhar Confession, and the new Social Creed, but don't think my congregation will be as enthused as I am. Their concerns are more mundane than social pronouncements or even the definition of marriage. My folks are concerned with how keep their building maintained and doors open in the face of limited financial resources and personal energy resources of people who are able to do the work.

I might be personally jazzed about the Emergent church movement and its opportunities and potential but communicating this to my congregation will involve translation of terms and language that I don't think exists. It's more than a generation gap, its more than a cultural gap, its more than a difference in values or perspectives, it a difference in how to approach the world and I'm not sure if I even have my head wrapped around this enough to talk intelligently on this topic.

And of course there is the big elephant in the room that I'm going to have to talk about and that is the change in the AI regarding ordination standards. I have been following this debate in the church since I was in seminary, which is now beginning to be a while back (my age is catching up to me or am I catching up to my age....question to ponder in the future). I know that the Definitive Guidance said and did. I know what the 1996 addition of G 6.0106b to the BOO did and that each time any change in the BOO regarding the removal or revision of this has been sent to Presbyteries it has failed. I wonder if this attempt to remove what is commonly known as the 'fidelity and chastity" amendment will fail again or will this revision pass. At this time, the General Assembly changed the AI but nothing has changed because of G 6.0106b still stands, except that the new AI will allow a person to name a scruple to G 6.0106b, which they could not do previously or so the GAPJC said in the Bush decision they could not, the new AI would allow scrupling of behavior or action....but G 6.0106b still stands...unless a majority of the Presbyteries vote for then new wording. Over the next two years we as Presbyterians in this internal family discussion are going to have deal with the elephant in the room.

May we as a family of faith do so with love, and kindness, and respect, and humility. I'm still not sure where I am personally on the this and I'm not sure how I will answer a question that asks about my personal opinion on the matter. I've approached this primarily from a polity perspective and have continually asked myself in my approach is the good polity? I know that if I'm wrestling with this others are too. I can explain the's the other explanations where the struggle lies as if say one thing, I'm labeled one way or being in a particular camp, if I say something else, the same thing happens just that its on the other side. It's not a fight. I think there is a way through this, I hope we can find it.

Wresting is good, fighting is not. Jacob wrestled with God and became Israel. Jonah wrestled with God and ended up in Nineveh and in spite of his reluctance to deal with THOSE people (Jonah had a deep seeded dislike for the people of Nineveh). In spite of Jonah's own feelings and his half baked attempt to carry out God's prophetic word to the people of Nineveh, Johna was effective in bringing change on those he believed to be un-redeemable (the people of Nineveh).

For those outside the Presbyterian Church (USA), this family discussion or family fight is bringing attention to us as it always had. May we lead in how we struggle with this issue. It's a tough issue. I have friends who hold a very strict understanding of ordination standards (and some of those I think still struggle with the ordination of women and divorced people) and I have other friends who are gifted but excluded from ordained office because they happen to gay or lesbian. At different times in my life I have held both positions and some in between, now I struggle to find a way to talk intelligently about this issue in a way that is respectful to the rainbow of perspectives on the issue that reflects the justice, compassion, and humility of Christ. May God go with us...

Then....there is the argument that none of this really matters because it's taking away time and energy and attention from 'real' ministry...feeding the hungry, healing the sick, embracing the downtrodden, making disciples.

Maybe if we looked at the questions through the question of what does it mean to follow Jesus? Or following up on the GA theme of Do Justice, Love Kindness and Walk Humbly with God...will that be an adequate lens to give us a new perspective?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Technology Generation Gaps

I subcribe to an e-newsletter called Church Leader Intellegence Report (sounds important doesn't it) and it is put out by the same people that put out the SermonCentral stuff found at The theology is not Reformed and I don't use the sermon site (there are numerous other sites that are far better for sermons that are more theologically sound, but I digress) but do find the newsletter interesting because the cultural data in the off shoot newsletter is sometimes helpful and interesting, like this piece in today's letter.

The Barna Group defines “mainstream” technology as those used by 50% or more of the population; and “emerging” technology is used by 20% to less than half of the population. Among Elders (age 62+), two of the 15 areas studied were deemed mainstream (email and search), while another two were emerging (IM and online purchases). Boomers (age 43-61) had two mainstream and four emerging areas. Busters (age 24-42) had four mainstream and four emerging technologies. Mosaics (age 23 and under) had eight mainstream categories and another three emerging. In other words, out of the 15 areas of technology assessed, Elders widely embraced or were becoming comfortable with four, Boomers six, Busters eight, and Mosaics eleven. Barna Update, 5/26/08

Here's the link to the BARNA Technology Study on the use of Social Networking, Online Entertainment, and Church PodCasts

This morning I was reading my weekly Church Leaders e-newsletter and this little gem grabbed my attention. As a pastor and social gerontologist having just returned from the PCUSA’s General Assembly where we elected a very tech savy moderator, I found these figures interesting and from my experience basically right on.

During this Assembly I can say I picked up one more technology that is mainstream and that I am now comfortable with using. That was how to effectively use text messaging. I received several text messages from a couple of different people and was able to respond effectively to them. I even taught my DH how to text and we chatted a couple of times. I’m in the demographic group between the Boomer and Buster [it depends on which demographer you use – some say I’m a Boomer and some say I’m part of Gen X or the Baby Busters]

Well, I found this tidbit interesting in hat those who were Elders are embracing technology, only slower. I can begin to see all kinds of opportunities for this and ways to begin to bridge and build relationships the generations. This isn’t BAD news for me but GOOD NEWS. I can see all kinds of possibilities for utilizing these technologies to enhance ministry or organizational communication and connection.
What are your mainstream technologies? And what are your emerging technologies? Good questions to ask your church or organizational leadership and membership.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Back Home in the Heartland

I made it safely home from San Jose and my head is so full of thoughts and ideas and my emotions are all over the places. Being a General Assembly Commissioner, is truly a once in a life time opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and the experience of being a Commissioner, although tedious at times, it is an experience that I treasure having had. Now begins the big task of interpretation. I will not be sitting for days, listening, praying, reflecting, praying, and voting, but interpreting what happened when 750 Presbyterians from 173 Presbyteries got together in a big room in San Jose, worshiped together, prayed together, debated together and voted. Somehow in that process God's Spirit was moving and decisions were made and those decisions made some people mad and some people happy. I will need wisdom as I go about the job of interpretation.

The media, specifically the secular media, makes headlines that are meant to grab attention rather than convey fact.

As the incoming General Assembly Mission Council, Vice Chairperson, said in his blog, I'm still processing. As I process, I'll post more comments here...until then...let me process what happened.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

John Calvin Mask.....

Having a little fun after the first day of the Assembly on Friday night. These masks are of John Calvin and I wish my photo of me taking a picture of me with the mask was clearer, but it isn't.

Next year is the 500th Anniversary of Calvin's birth so expect a big Reformed Tradition party next July!

Litugical Art from Sunday's Worship

These are amazing. Please tell me these images don't make you happy!

San Jose Self Cleaning Pay Toilets

These are peppered throughout the city. Pay toilets that are self cleaning 25 cents. This one is right across the street from the convention center and we walk by it on the way to our group meals in the Parkside A, which is on the back of the Civic Auditorium.


Tuesday began early with me attending one of the General Assembly breakfasts. It was good to catch up with some old friends from when I was on staff in Louisville and meet some new people. The speaker at this particular breakfast really good and the sponsoring organization is probably going to merge with another like minded organization, which should strengthen both groups.

Worship in the Civic Auditorium was excellent. The pastor of All Nation's church in Minneapolis preached and shared the story of that congregation. What a wonderful example of church transformation where a dying anglo congreagtion joins en-mass this multi-cultural congregation and turns the keys to thier building over to this new church development which has members from many countries and languages. It reminds of the simple fact that we all fail to forget and that is that we are ALL GOD'S CHILDREN.

I also want to give a wonderful shout out to my presbytery's Stated Clerk. She ran out to get me a new power cord when mine went missing and brought it to me. Now I have two as my missing one turned up. This is not a bad thing. All is good and all will work out as I can now have one at the office and only need to bring the computer and not all the gear when I work at the church.

I went to the Company of Pastor's luncheon and the speaker was Michael Medville was excellent. Pastors need to not only love their congregations but the context in which they pastor. Helpful and practical advice. Met a really neat woman pastor who is doing some neat things in transforming her congregation in Florida.

The afternoon was spent sitting in committee meetings and then in my own committee (Bills and Overtures) meeting. I sat in on a smoothly running committee which made my work easy.

After the committee broke up I went to dinner with the contingent of people from my Presbytery at a resturant chosen by the Executive Presbyter, La Pastaia in the Hotel De Anza. Good food, good company, and a nice walk back to the hotel from the resturant. Met some people from the Presbytery that I knew their names but not their faces.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh where oh where did my power cord go?

I think I have lost my power cord to my laptop. I'm using this on battery right now so I am just asking all you might read this to pray that I find my power cord, or else...I'm toast.

Now granted being toast wouldn't be such a bad thing. Toast is my favorite comfort food. Butter melted on warm toasty bread .... add a little grape jelly and well its nearly the most wonderful thing to eat.

The Assembly So Far....

Computer access has been interesting. Kinda ironic considering we are in Silicon Valley. This is one of those occasions I'm glad I'm not a IT person but very grateful for their hard work behind the scenes. There are so many behind the scenes people that make a General Assembly work for the Commissioner's and Advisory Delegates that don't get their just Thank You!!!!!!!

Well here are some thoughts just off the top of my head about

Friday - the highlights were lunch at Original Joes with the Presbytery's Stated Clerk and two other commissioners from Heartland Presbytery. The Anti-Racism training was interesting. The most powerful piece were the brave people who shared their personal stories and the impact that racism had on their lives. The video in the second half was good, but the questions for reflection were more powerful

Saturday - the highlight was orientation and the election of the new moderator Bruce Reyes-Chow

Sunday's highlight was the worship service. The original artwork for this assembly is beautiful. I know I need to post pictures. Joan Gray's sermon was very challenging. She left us with the question of 'do we want to'....the do we want to is "love your neighbor as yourself...which of course is tough....but we do, we truly do have to make that choice. Sunday was then the first meetings with committees, since I'm on Bills and Overtures, my coomittee met twice and we met before all the other committees. We get to watch the other committees to make sure they are following process correctly...not glamorous work, but important and someone has to do it. Oh.....I got to take a picture of and shake the hand of Mike Farrell (BJ Honeycutt on M*A*S*H) He was a speaker an event I didn't get to attend and signing his book in the bookstore area. Very cool!!!! He's doing some interesting work in the area of human rights.

Monday's highlight was David LaMonte who played and talked at our breakfast this morning. Committees met all day today. Worship after dinner in the evening was the highlight for me. The dynamic preacher from Atlanta (a new church development that is an emergent church) was probably the best sermon I heard in years.

What I am appreciating is how everything is tying back into the Assembly Theme of Micha 6:8 Do Justice, Love Kindness, and Walk humbly with your God.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Made My Way to San Jose

It has been an interesting and wonderful day. As soon as I get this posted, I'm headed to bed. It is now 9:31 pm San Jose time - 11:31 KCMO time. I've been up since 2:30 am or so. I never sleep well the night before a trip.

I left my house at 4: 28 am this morning and made the 45 minute trek to MCI, which is half way to Iowa (it's an exaggeration) but the airport in Kansas City is a bit of a ways from the city and I live in suburb that is as far southeast from the airport which is in the north west part of the metro.

My dear husband drove me to the airport and we got to singing and missed the exit so had to go and turn around. Of course I made it to the airport on time and had no problems going through security. I printed my boarding pass in advance too.

One of the other Minister Commissioners was on my flight so we were traveling companions and had a good chat on the flight. The KC to Las Vegas leg was a bit turbulant. The Las Vegas to San Jose leg was better.

The Committee on Local Arrangement (COLA) did a great job of running the shuttles and we got ourselves checked in at the hotel and four of us went to lunch at a local Italian place noted for its burgers (they were huge) but I had the daily special of Sirloin tips.

After lunch we got our tote bags and looked at the exhibit area. I ran into a ton of people I knew from my days in Louisville and my work with POAMN and had a wonderful time.

It is difficult to grasp the honor and task before me these next eight days. The other two General Assemblies I have attended were as staff. Now I'm a Commissioner. The role is completely different. I, along with 750 others are delegated the awesome responsibility of making descisions for the church. It will be interesting to watch the group discernment process. It will be interesting to watch God's spirit at work. I am humbled to be here in this role. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever thing I would be a Commissioner to General Assembly.

I have recevied some wonderful words of encouragement. My Presbytery's Stated Clerk left me a wonderful phone message on my cell phone. I stopped by the Presbyterian Elders in Prayer booth, which is being staffed by a minister in my Presbytery and she prayed for me one of the most powerful prayers and prayer times I have experienced in years.

The Anit-Racism training was good and I will post on that at a later time. It was a good use of 3 hours and I'm glad I participated in it. The video they showed was excellent.

I promise to post pictures sometime during this Assembly. San Jose is a lovely city, very walkable, great public transportation. It's just unseaonably hot today and supose to the same tomorrow. Sunday and the rest of our time here are supose to be normal temperatures.

Well its off to sleep. Tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Praying our Way to San Jose

Last night, Monday, June 16th was one of several Praying our Way to San Jose services that will be held this week as some of the General Assembly staff are driving from Louisville to San Jose. I was unable to attend last night's prayer service since the little church I pastor, Ruskin Heights Presbyterian Church, holds its Stated Session Meeting on the third Monday of the month - so I was doing what small church (we have 58 on our roll) pastors do - moderating a Session meeting, which went well.

Ruskin Heights is an older adult congregation and the past four years I have spent with these folks has helped form me into the pastor I am today. They are good salt of the earth folks and although they aren't into the 'media' stuff - no fax machine, no website, only five or six member families even have an e-mail address. The church computer is basic and has dial up internet. The lessons of appropriate technology are applicable here in the US. The Ruskin congregation seeks to faithfully follow Christ the best they can as the world changes around them. It is these folks that I will keep in my heart and mind and prayers as I seek to serve this denomination - my Church - as a Commissioner at the upcoming assembly.

Last night' Praying our Way to San Jose, service was held at First Presbyterian Church in Lee's Summit, MO. The video starts and the audio kicks in 30 seconds later. The bells that open the service are wonderful. It is fun for me to hear and see my Presbytery colleagues lead this service.. Prayer, especially for the work that faces the commissioners beginning on Friday is so important. Please, all who read this blog, remember me and the other Commissioners and Advisory Delegates in your prayers.

In case you want to do what I have done to participate in the service, you can catch last nights service on live streaming video at this link.

Allison Seed, who has chaired the General Assembly Council for the past three years, is a Minister Member of Heartland Presbytery and pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Independence, MO. Allison is the preacher for this service. My biggest disappointment about missing this service was not getting to hear Allison preach. I always like to hear other powerful women preachers. It helps me improve my own preaching.

As I have watched the service on live streaming video I have been inspired by the hymn in this service, but my biggest inspiration has been Allison's sermon. It interprets the work before the Assembly and brings it home to you and me. Please take the time to listen to the service and hear her Sermon.

And don't forget to pray!

Friday, June 13, 2008

General Assembly Mailings

As a Commissioner to the Upcoming 218th General Assembly, I have been receiving mail since March. Some of the mail is OFFICIAL and comes from the Office of the General Assembly. Other mail has come from other General Assembly entities like the General Assembly Council, the Presbyterian Foundation, the Board of Pensions, and the Presbyterian Church Development Corporation. Still other mail has come from individuals, churches, and organizations related to the denomination in some way or another.

The Assembly is one week away. I leave on the morning of the 20th so I can be present in San Jose on that afternoon for Anti-Racism Training. To date this is a list of the mail I have received. It is in no particular order. The list I was keeping in the margin of my blog, well the volume of the mail is too much for that little list so I have created this blog entry.

The folks who have sent me this mail expect me to read it. Some of it has been sent to ‘help’ me interpret and understand the business before the assembly. I have to make a choice in what I read to prepare. My first responsibility is to read and understand the business as it presented on the Assembly website and organized in pc-biz. I’m still working my way through the FOG (Form of Government Task Force) Report and trying to understand the implications should it be adopted.

The mailings are in my opinion possibly helpful but, I’m viewing them as ‘voter’ guides that are put out during the election season. It is helpful to read them to see what various perspectives think about something, but one must discern the perspective being advocated when one uses a voter guide.

On a side note, the Discernment Tool developed and published by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program entitled "Guidelines for Communal Discernment" is very helpful. Which reminds me, I need to get those printed before Monday’s Session meeting to give to my Session because I think they will find it helpful.

I sometimes wonder if the amount of money spent on some of these mailings could be put to better use supporting and funding hands on mission and ministry that feeds a hungry person, binds up the wounds of a hurting person, or lifts up spiritually the life of a person separated from the Love of God we know in Jesus Christ.

Well my primary task is to read and understand the business before the Assembly on pc-biz.

This list of mail is extra credit reading:


Office of the General Assembly: Registration Guide to the General Assembly

Letter from the Office of the General Assembly giving my committee assignment (Bills and Overtures)

Office of the General Assembly – The report of the Form of Government Task Force in bound form

Letter from the Moderator of the Bills and Overture’s Committee (the Committee I’ve been assigned to)

Letter from the Office of the General Assembly confirming my registration and tickets purchased for assembly events

Letter from the Office of the General Assembly with final instructions and confirmation of reservations.


Presbyterian Publishing Corporation – letter about their work and invitation to stop by their booth in the display area and get a free mug.

Letter and DVD from the General Assembly Council – outlining the structure of the church and the work of the General Assembly Council

Post card from the Presbyterian Foundation


Postcard from Congregational Ministries Publishing – they will make house keys at their booth at GA, provide a 10% discount on their resources (must present card) and if you one of the first 100 (there are over 350 commissioners) commissioners you will receive the new Witherspoon Press title, “The Apostles Creed” free!

Presbyterian Women – letter about women’s issues before the assembly

No particular office but a 100 Witherspoon Street address – flyer for Presbyterian Women’s Concerns Events and flyer for Racial Ethnic Concerns events

PHEWA –(Presbyterian Health, Education and Welfare Association) letter from their sub-group PARO (Presbyterians Affirming Reproductive Options) outlining their positions on issues before the assembly.


Israel/Palestine Mission Network – materials about their network including the guide for commissioners called “Just Peace”, a DVD and the booklet “The Cradle of Our Faith: The Enduring Witness of the Christians of the Middle East.”

First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood, MO – A letter telling the commissioners they are praying for them – no agenda

Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church – letter and DVD on item number 16:01 (overture 007) before the assembly urging my support (this is the church that generated the overture)

Book "Jesus the Bible and Homosexuality" by Jack Rogers - from The Covenant Network of Presbyterians, That All May Freely Serve, and several other organizations

The Witherspoon Society – A letter of welcome and a brief outline of how the assembly works, and how to best speak for issues of justice at the assembly.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship – Their newsletter outlining their assembly events (Jonathan Kuttab is speaking at their breakfast on June 25th. I worked with his wife Beth briefly when she consulted with the Jinishian Memorial Program)

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians – The Summer 2008 issue of The Covenant Connection – their newsletter

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians – Book entitled “Frequently Asked Questions About Sexuality the Bible & the Church: Plain talk About Tough Issues” edited by Ted A. Smith

Presbyterian Lay Committee – a letter with a breaking news story about significant proposed changes to the Presbyterian Foundation and in the PS an invitation to stop by their booth in the Assembly area and pick up a copy of their latest book “Broken Covenant” (need to show my badge)

The Witherspoon Society – a copy of Witherspoon Network News

Mr. Donald M. Maclay – Letter from the Israel/Palestine Mission Network to follow up their first mailing of “Just Peace” flyer urging my non-support on various items of business before the assembly and a flyer with their events at the assembly.

University of Dubuque – inviting me to their Seminary Luncheon on Wednesday (already have a ticket to the Louisville Seminary Luncheon)

The Presbyterian Layman – An introductory letter, a copy of the most recent issue of the Layman, and request to sign onto their petition on Church Property

Presbyterians Pro-Life – letter outlining their perspective on various assembly business and information about their activities/events at the assembly.

Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry – Theology Matters – a booklet that critiques the New Form of Government

1st Presbyterian Church Presbyterians for Peace – A letter from US Senators to GA Commissioners – the topic is the Israel/Palestine issue – one of the signers is Kit Bond from Missouri – it is interesting to note that I have written to Senator Bond on several issues and Senator Bond has not responded to my CONSTITUENT mail – I’m not persuaded by politicians!

The Presbyterian Coalition – A critique of the New Form of Government

Medical Benevolence Foundation – letter inviting me to the International Health Breakfast, the office of International Health Ministries, and the work of MBF as a ‘Validated Mission Support Group.:

Postcard from Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery – Two former commissioners are praying for me and the other commissioners (I like letters and cards like this … I can use all the prayer I can get, plus there is no ‘agenda’)

Presbyterian Action (The Institute on Religion and Democracy) – letter telling commissioners who they are and what positions they would like commissioners to take on assembly business.

Presbyterians for Renewal – Renews newsletter (with insert on 8 items of business this organization believes to be important)

Presbyterians for Faith, Family, and Ministry – Theology Matters May/June issue on Healing Same-Sex Attraction

Heartland Presbyterians Pro-Life – letter explaining their position on two items of business before the assembly and urging my support of their items.

PC(USA) Mission Invitation


My favorite mailings are the letter from the church in Kirkwood, MO and the postcard from Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery – prayer is what I and all the other commissioners need. Prayer that we will hear God’s Will amid all the bucking for position and politics…and who said the church isn’t interesting.

My Presbyterian Pedigree

I’ve been a Presbyterian since my parents joined the Community Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids, Minnesota when I was in kindergarten or so. I was raised in that church, baptized on December 31, 1978, since I wasn’t baptized as an infant and I didn’t want my baptism to be part of the Confirmation and Commissioning process. I wanted to it to be a stand alone event that would mark my acceptance as Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life. I was confirmed as a full member with my Confirmation/Commissioning class the following May (1979).

My father’s family is historically Presbyterian. My great-grandparents were members of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. My aunt attended Westminster Presbyterian Church every Sunday growing up in Minneapolis. My father’s step-mother was a member of Faith Presbyterian Church in Minnetonka, Minnesota and her pastor was Gary LeTourneau of the famed – within Presbyterian circles PJC case – LeTourneau vs Twin Cities Area Presbytery. Gary LeTourneau conducted my step-grandmother’s funeral in 1993. I didn’t make this connection to Presbyterian history and this Landmark PJC Case until after receiving notification of my step-grandmother’s death and reading the bulletin from the Service for the Witness of the Resurrection.

After graduation from college I attended Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and graduated with my MDiv in 1990. I began my candidacy process in Northern Water’s Presbytery in 1987 and transferred that candidacy to Heartland Presbytery in 1991. I was ordained by Heartland Presbytery in 1994, was briefly a member of Ohio Valley Presbytery, which validated my call to a staff position as Program Assistant for the Jinishian Memorial Program. I worked for the former Social Justice and Peacemaking Ministry Unit before the 1993 restructure and then for the Worldwide Ministries Division until I left Louisville to move to the Kansas City area. I transferred my presbytery membership back to Heartland Presbytery in May 1999. I left my staff position in Louisville in March of 1999.

While on General Assembly staff, I helped staff the task force that wrote the Respectful Presence resource for congregations on Interfaith Worship and Celebration, that was commended to the church by the General Assembly in 1997.

I have served Heartland Presbytery as a member and moderator of the Church Order and Listening Division which holds responsibilities for review of Session minutes and registers as per the Book of Order and assisting with the Bills and Overture process at the Presbytery level. My most recent tenure on the Division was 2005-2007 where I served as Moderator of the Division. I have supplied pulpits throughout the Presbytery and have a great love for smaller churches and older adults. I currently serve the Ruskin Heights Presbyterian Church as their Temporary Supply Pastor and Heartland Presbytery as a Member at Large on the Presbytery Council assigned to the Business Affairs Committee. I am also a member of the Stewardship and Mission Interpretation Division of Council and a member of the Sexual Misconduct Response Panel.

Last year the Church Order and Listening Division undertook the task of revising the Presbytery’s Manual of Operations. The folks that worked with me and our Stated Clerk from the Division, Jack, Evelyn, and Renee’ did a fine job and the Presbytery approved the Manual at the February meeting this year. What an interesting experience that was!

I have also served on an Administrative Commission and two Investigating Committees.

I currently serve on the Church Order committee of the Synod of Mid-America.

For anyone who wants to doubt or question my Presbyterian Pedigree – here it is for you to see. Outlining this has been helpful to me.

My election by Heartland Presbytery to be one of their Minister Commissioners is a great honor and privilege. I am awed by the responsibility placed before me, awed with the support and love of my colleagues in ministry and I pray I am up to the challenge and the task.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Mail Keeps Coming - Commissioned at Presbytery

Yesterday, June 10, 2008, Heartland Presbytery met at South-Broadland Presbyterian Church . Those commissioners who were elected to attend General Assembly were commissioned during the worship portion of yesterday's meeting. It sort of makes it official.

Meanwhile the mail keeps coming. The official mail from the Office of the General Assembly, and the mail from the groups who want to bend my ear to vote the way they want me to vote. I still have not completed my reading and I hope to do so this week.

I did note a postcard from a congregation indicating they were praying for me and all the other commissioners. I cannot begin to tell you how important I think that is and how much I appreciate those kinds of letters. I'll write more later.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

13 Days and Counting

I leave for General Assembly in 13 days. The mail from constituent organization (think former Chapter 9 organizations...this is going back over a decade) is staring to pile up. I'm working my way through the business posted on pc-biz. I must say that I found a really useful resouces on Group Discernment that I will be printing and copying for my Session members to begin to utilize at their June meeting. This has been the 'highlight' so far of my reading and preparation.

I'm wondering what to pack and might have a better idea after Presbytery meeting on Tuesday (6-10-08).

It will be an interesting experience to be a Commissioner.

Friday, May 9, 2008

GA Related Mail

Today I received a really nice letter from the First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood, MO. This letter wasn't asking me to consider anything before the Assembly. It wasn't asking for my support of a particular issue. It had NO AGENDA, which in the PCUSA world these days is refreshing.

The letter indicated that the Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood, MO would be praying daily for me as a Commissioner to the General Assembly and reiterated the Presbyterian understanding that God alone is Lord of the conscience.

The letter also let me know who the Commissioners from Giddings Lovejoy Presbytery would be and that was fun to see one of my seminary classmates on that list.

I am expecting a lot of GA Related Mail in the next few weeks asking for my support on x,y, or z issue. I'll be listing these items on the list on this blog so who ever reads this blog can see how much mail Commissioners get. I am grateful to know that God alone is the Lord of the conscience and I am thankful that Session of First Presbyterian in Kirkwood is praying for me and all the other Commissioners. We will need those prayers. I also want to thank my brothers and sisters on the other side of the state for making my day today with their kind letter.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Why a Blog

I'm in the age range of that generational cusp between Baby Boomer and Gen X. I'm not a true Xer and I'm not a true Boomer. In addition to being a pastor, I'm also a Social Gerontologist. I am keenly interested in adult development and the social impact of generational differences. I embrace technology easily and thought it blog would actually be fun for me to share my impressions of the General Assembly experience with those who cannot be at the Assembly. Being a Commissioner to the General Assembly is an awesome responsibility and requires hours of preparation. I thought it might be fun to write down my journey of preparation for my own use and since we live in a 'let it all hang out' culture others can also peak into my preparation process.

As of today, May 8, 2008, I know that I have been assigned to be a member of the Bills and Overtures Committee. I know that the first few days of the Assembly will be busy for this committee as we get to consider and distribute to all the other committees the Commissioner's Resolutions that will be brought to the Assembly or drafted in the first days. Commissioner's have the opportunity to sign TWO Commissioner's Resolutions that bring business before the Assembly. The Bills and Overtures Committee also hears grievances and gets to determine when and if public hearings on various issues take place. It's process work. Not glorious but someone has to do it.